A 3D-printed logo

We partnered with the Mighty team to create a new brand strategy and identity that would position them as leaders of a new era of sustainable and future-oriented construction. Our final logo reflects the nature of their products, 3D-first–embracing the physical features of the Mighty printing process.

Converting the production 
process into design elements

To celebrate the range and versatility of their output, we combined the icon with a set of brand textures and built a colour palette inspired by ultraviolet light, a key component in their production process.

A brand built to stand the test of time

The final brand is empowering, inspiring, and bright. A system built around simple principles of hero-ing the iconic brand logo, full-bleed images or textures, and a design system that allows different information to layer and build up through a series of horizontal panels.

‘Moving brands masterfully encapsulated 
our company’s ethos, and from that created 
a truthful and beautiful visual identity that reflects our technology, materials and sustainability mission.’
Kirk Draheim

Director of Experience Design